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The Holistic Approach to Healing

Say you visit the doctor for a knee injury that occurred a few days after your grandmother passed away. Have you ever wondered why your doctor only asked about your pain and never asked if your emotions had anything to do with it? Quite frankly, the pain in your knee may actually have nothing to do with your loved one passing away, but the attitude you bring to the recovery process is very different from what it would be if you did not also have the trauma of her passing. You can look at drug addiction therapy the same way. Perhaps you’ve heard people say you need to work on your spirituality, while others advise seeing a psychologist and determining your mental state. But you are a unique individual with different thoughts, emotions, feelings and ideas. The one-way approach may not help you on the road to your recovery. Being treated for any addiction must include treatment for every sort of thought, feeling or reaction associated with that particular addiction. This involves doctors, psychologists, therapists and spiritual coaches working together to help you along your path to recovery. In addressing your physical need for a pill or alcohol, your mental need for the drug is addressed as well. Your body is comprised of many parts working together and not just one area is fully responsible for your addiction.

Understanding the Holistic Approach to Rehab

Holistic treatment is the most effective way to encourage those addicted to drugs and alcohol to stay on their path to recovery. Evaluating one small part of the addiction issue, such as a mental dependency, does not consider the physical and emotional dependency. All of these areas must be addressed by professionals in order for you to move forward on your path to recovery. Holistic is defined as “of or pertaining to the whole,” so a holistic rehab program addresses the broad spectrum of issues associated with addiction. For example, when you arrive at rehab you may proceed to medically assisted detox. In detox, trained professionals will help you recover from withdrawal symptoms. Without help, the risk of relapse is much higher because cravings and other symptoms are intense during detox. After detox, your therapists and counselors will get to know the real you. They can design a recovery program that can help you cope with the death of your grandmother, for example, or treat other symptoms of depression. They can also, as another example, create a pain management plan that can help you avoid further problems with your knee. No one else’s recovery will be just like yours. Your path to addiction — and sobriety — are uniquely your own. Recovery is hard work, and through it you will learn using is not the only way to have a good time. Your rehab center will help you relax and enjoy sober living by helping you reengage with activities you once enjoyed. These activities can keep your mind off using. You can also gain other health benefits by consuming nutritional meals, getting enough exercise, and returning to normal sleep habits. You may be worried about what will happen after rehab ends. Rest assured a holistic program can help you develop a plan. Participation in self-help support groups and ongoing counseling, as well spending time with loved ones who care about your best interests, can ease your return to normal living. Holistic healing gives you the opportunity to address your complete health needs — not only your addiction. (photo via)

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